Wednesday June 30th, 2010 - The italian job

Today was a loong working day. Went up 05.30, then taxi to the airport for further transportation to Venice back and forth over the day. Back home at 21,30 again.

However no romantic tour with a gondola, no sight seeing, no nice Italian food. Just a visit to a production plant…

Whether was great, nice and warm. 34 degrees, just like Budapest.

Tomorrow I’ll try to wake up early as well, so I can do a little jogging before it gets to hot. Have made only 40 km during June. That is about 40 km to little… 

By the way; yesterday we checked out another possible school for little m. - "Britannica". Made a pretty good impression, also a bit cheaper and with shorter travel time compared with "The British International School of Budapest" which until now had been our first option.
Clear is that we will choose a school with British Curriculum.




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