Saturday October 29 2011 - travelling weeks
Saturday, and we have been one hour late the whole day thanks to me, who thought I should change the clocks already this morning...
M was very annoyed that all the clocks in the city were one hour ahead. But now she knows why :-)))
Little m had her half term break last week, and off we went to London. Her favourite city besides Budapest.
Of course we went shopping. Among other things M found a nice jacket and matching boots. They looked very expensive, so I tried, without success, to find the price tag. The shop assistant saw me looking and assured me it was cheap. A bargain I thought, until I had to pay. It was then I realised that she probably said it was sheep...
Well, well, it looks good at least... :-)
As it was little m's holiday, she decided what to do;
- feed the ducks in Hyde Park
- shop at Hamleys
- see a musical
- take a tour with the London Eye.
We also ate good, at least two of the evenings. The third evening we decided to give Jamie's Italian another shot (we were pretty disappointed the last time we went, - last spring)
No improvements :-) still lousy waiters, food was good but absolutely not fantastic. The place held about 15 degrees or so, making all guests eat quick as hell, and then run somwhere else for a good cup of warming tea. As there always is a constant queue outside, i'm sure the concept is a goldmine, and if there actually would be some real gold to dig, I'm also sure that all the guests would volunteer for some hard labour to keep warm...
Our favourite restaurant is called "Loch Fyne", a fishy warm place with superb food.
As we stayed at Lancaster Gate, opposite to Hyde Park, we saw plenty of joggers. Sporty people those Londoners. Maybe they don't even freeze in cold restaurants, as most of them ran more or less naked in the rain and cold wind.
Otherwise??? hmmmm... H&M had to overtrump us, so they went off for a week in New York, and tomorrow I will leave Budapest for a looong trip to Munich and Sweden. We have a fair in Jönköping next week.
At freezing Jamies
Hamleys sure can make a little girl very happy :-)
The city in evening light
Fisherman's plate at Loch Fyne
postcards had to be sent....
little m's treasures
Among others, the not so cheap sheep
Sunday October 23 2011 - Half term
A rainy Sunday. Even if the weather has been a little autumnish lately, today was the first day I actually had the right feeling of autumn. Maybe because it's raining a bit. And that we watched the first downhill ski race of the season from TV.
Half term has started. Last school day was yesterday. Tomorrow we are off to London.
In all we have a nice and slow life here. Maybe we're getting old? At least I had this feeling the other day when talking to one of m's classmates mother in school the other day. Can't even mention the topic in this forum :-) And today I read a Facebook entry from one of the other classmate mothers, that she lost her top in a bar yesterday.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm very happy and do not miss late nights in suspicious bars, even if it sounds like loads of fun :-))
In London we will see a musical. The Wizard of Oz and/or maybe Mamma Mia.
Little m had had loads of playmates over lately, almost every afternoon is booked. Hungarians, Brits, Serbs, French among a dozen other nationalities.
m is by the way switching over more and more to english at home. Let's see where that will end...
m and Anja googleing something interesting...
Saturday October 8, 2011 - who waits for a big steak, sometimes wait to long....
Went to Sweden last Wednesday evening, and was supposed to be back in time for T&G promptly at 20,00 yesterday. It was Friday and all... However the flight was delayed a bit, so I had to spend the evening at Sturup (Malmö Airport) instead of cozy T&G. Was home only 03.30 this morning.
Can't actually blame poor old Wizz, as they had a technical problem with the plane which was supposed to take us.
15 years ago (if they would have existed so long time ago, which they actually haven't) they would surely have done as the Russians do today; they fly anyway. A vodka or two, and up they go, and sometimes they hit ground faster than planned.
A younger version of me would have chosen the Russian way, but as I slowly get mature, I think it's better to play it safe, even if it sounds a little boring, and not that exciting...
I think LKVHMM&m would have killed me if I would have died in a polish corn field.
So here I am. Tired but alive :-)
Autumn has hit Hungary, so little m had to swap the summer clothes for something rain proof.

Another autum sign is the "Lomtalanítás", on a specific day you throw out whatever you want to get rid of, placing the stuff on the pavement outside the house, and 1000 garbage trucks will clean up during the night. Very practical and loud.
I was a little worried though to find my car in the middle of a huge pile of unwanted items.
Hope it will still be there after the cleaning up...