Saturday August 11, 2012 - News from Mars
Finally something new to write about. There is water coming down from the sky. I think it's called RAIN. It was a VERY long time since we had something like that. Ok one or two thunder showers, but plain rain???
Maybe it was just in my mind, because when I just looked out the window everything is dry again...
Otherwise? I went to Tallinn to collect my two girls two weeks ago. We had a great weekend together with the Estonian half of the family. Some of the activities; eating, clubbing, go-carting, segway-ing, waterjeting, photoshoot-ing, and loads of other ings. We were also lucky with the weather. The sun and warm weather came with M&m, and left again when we all took off.
Ask us nicely, and we might be back... :-)
Finally the Olympics is more or less over. It's fun to watch for a while, but too much is too much.
Even if the politicians in this country are on playground level, the Hungarian sportsmen and women have proven themselves to be top notch. 8 Gold medals, and nation number 8 in the total medal ranking. And still one day to go... Not bad for a small nation....
Tonight m will join Kriszti to see a movie "Iceage 4". Me and M might go and see one as well...??? Then Trattoria Pomo d'oro.Tomorrow pancake day, and Monday we're off to Sweden to celebrate Lindas and Florians birthdays. They fly in from Munich. Then the Swedish side of the family will try to top, or at least level up with the Estonians in meaning of having fun and good time.
Some pictures from Estonia;