Tuesday May 22 2012 - Mayday (not)
Linda has been here for some days, and now Grandma Irma is here. Came for M's balett show. It was a nice show in a nice theatre. Weather is nice and summerish, even if Linda picked two stormy days, and we had loads of rain today. Can't remember the last time we had almost a full day of rain. Last year maybe???
Tomorrow it's back to big fat sun :-) Perfect day for a field trip. M will go to some outdoor museum outside Budapest tomorrow.
School photo


Our prima ballerina

celebration of our prima ballerina

Wednesday may 2 2012 - Déjà vu
As most places around southern Europe, we had a long (and very warm and summerish) weekend.
On Monday we decided to take a trip to a smaller city, Eger. This is the place where I first made contact with Hungary and the Hungarians. This was back in 1994!!! 1995-1997 I spent maybe a third of my time in Eger. So it was a déjà vu. We stayed in the same hotel as I spent my time during those years. At the time it was a very Eastern Europe looking hotel. Now it was fully renovated and actually nice :-) m especially appreciated the new pool. We strolled around in the very beautiful city and its castle. More correct, the remains of the castle where Hungarians were under siege by the Turkish army for 150 years or so.
In the evening we went to my favorite restaurant. Yes, it was still there. Looked exactly the same, had more or less the same menu, and THE SAME WAITERS!!! They even recognized me. This after 15 years. I must have made an impression at the time. Wonder if it was a good or bad one???
They even placed the Swedish flag on the table. The same old flag they bought when me and my Swedish colleagues started to frequent the place back then.
Even the musician behind the piano was the same. He smiled, and played only Swedish songs all evening. “Kostervalsen”, “Flickorna I Småland” plus dozens of Abba songs.
I almost (ALMOST only) got tears in my eyes. It was such a good feeling to be there again. It seemed that even the prices had remained. We paid 8 000 HUF (28 EUR) for the three of us. Would have been at least 20 000 in Budapest…
We promised the owner and his staff to be back soon again, or at least within some years... :-)
We were back in BP after lunch yesterday again. Decided to try out my inflamed Achilles tendon again. After more than 3 months rest from all kind of training. I still have a daily pain, but I just couldn’t wait any more. As resting doesn’t seem to help, maybe exercising does. Even if it is against doctors order.
Made 6 kilometers on the Margit Island. I got very tired, as it was long time since I had a pulse over 100, and as it was officially 32,9 degrees in the shadow, and absolutely no wind. Still a good feeling.
We started the 3 of us. Me and M running, and m on her bicycle. However most of the remaining people of the city (those who didn’t go to lake Balaton over the weekend) were roaming the streets and the island. Made it impossible for m to ride her bike in our jogging pace. After a smaller accident M&m gave up…
The final highlight of the weekend we had on our terrace. Grilling and drinking wine all evening long.
I have had worse 1st of May week-ends in my life :-)))
Here the weekend in pictures;
Sunday pancakes
Homework has to be done
Same old rabbit as 15 years ago...
City center of Eger
View from the castle
As in good old times
Grapeyard outside Eger. The grapes might end up as Bulls Blood
Taken over by a two wheeler on ONE wheel...