Friday August 13th 2010 - Lucky 13
nothing much happened today. Nor yesterday evening for that matter. We were looking for shooting stars, but the sky over Budapest was too bright. Spent one hour on the terrace seeing nothing, still nice, lying on the soft sofa all three of us staring up in the empty sky.
Little m tried out her new school outfit, and tonight we will check out the steak at T&G. Last week's (referring to the steak) was a disaster, but we'll give them a second chance...
Big M claims that it is not correct to write "last week's" in the sentece above. But I am stubborn, and refuse to change. Can anyone tell me who's right???
Now the little grl is ready for all kind of weather...

Little m tried out her new school outfit, and tonight we will check out the steak at T&G. Last week's (referring to the steak) was a disaster, but we'll give them a second chance...
Big M claims that it is not correct to write "last week's" in the sentece above. But I am stubborn, and refuse to change. Can anyone tell me who's right???
Now the little grl is ready for all kind of weather...

Postat av: Linda
Oooooh va fina klader! Detta borde ni ju skicka in till ralph loren som reklambilder!!! :)
Postat av: DD
Det heter "Last weeks" ;D
Week's är isf en förkortning av Week + is och det är inte rätt.
Men det där med att ligga på en soffa på en takterrass och kolla på stjärnhimlen lät ju underbart! I Borås kunde man bara sitta inomhus och kolla på TV för att det ösregnade så klart.
Underbart söt skoluniform. =)