Thursday August 12th 2010 - Meteors and Wienerschnitzels
Tuesday we went to Vienna for a small shopping tour. They have a huge Outlet in Parndorf, where we spent most of the day. In the evening went out to stroll in the city. Budapest and Vienna are more or less twin cities. Many of the big impressive buildings have the same architecture, and were build simultaneously under the Habsburg's, at the time when Hungary and Austria was one big empire.
Then we had a nice dinner. Little m prompt wanted "Wiener Schnitzel" Not a kiddoe one but a real one for grownups, XXL. I had to help out a little. Then we slept well in our very nice hotel. Next day we made "SCS" - Shopping Center Süd. A huuuuuge place. Took more or less the whole day. But we made it back to Budapest in time for a Mexican dinner at Iguana. Strawberry Margaritas included. Then we checked for falling stars from our roof. But nothing came down. After checking on internet I saw that we were one day early. It is tonight that earth will pass through a massive belt of remains of a once crashed meteor. But first we will try our luck at Trattoria Toscana, this warm and beautiful summer evening.

Basta bilden nansinn!!! :)