Saturday Nov 27 2010 - less mess

Yesterday I had a discussion with someone who told me that luxury is to be able to afford a maid who keeps your home tidy and shining.
I do not really agree. Luxury for me is to be able to have time to clean and scrub it myself.
Is less more, or is more less? That's the question. Was it Shakespeare who said those wise words as he stood with a cleaning cloth in his hand?

Less work is not necessary less money but definitely more time.
How much/little of money/time makes you happiest? :-) BALANCE is the key word.

Anyway, it feels really nice to  have come that far in life that you do not have to prove your own excellence toward others with career, long hours, and a cleaning lady...

Btw, we just hired a cleaning lady in Båstad. A bit contradictive to what I just wrote. But that's another story :-))

T & G yesterday, and Pomodoro today. That's what I call quality time :-)


Postat av: DD

More time is indeed a luxury!!!

2010-11-29 @ 09:31:32
Postat av: Tuttan

Exactly! - you can't buy time! Unless you hire ("buy") a cleaninglady, so you can spend more time with whatever....... :-))))))

2010-11-29 @ 16:42:28

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