Monday October 11th 2010 - drip drop
A new fresh week just started, even if we don’t feel that fresh. More or less the whole bunch has had drip-dropping noses during the week end. Little m even got a fever, we just noticed. 38 point something. So I guess she will not be able to show off her new fringe in school tomorrow. That’s right. She actually has a fringe since 5 o clock today.
After two years of growing the hair wild, she and her mom voted me down. 2-1 for the fringe… :-( But she still looks very cute :-)
Just like the rest of her sisters (and brother)
I’m missing gym. Hope I will start slowly in a month or so.
Good thing is that I have plenty of time to other things, like buying a new printer. Half size, half price and double as fast as the old one. Can even print wireless now. wow... :-)
Look at those two beauties, this is how they look on their brand new school photos.

That's true - real beauties!! But tomorrow I want to see the FRINGE!!!!!
H & M are sooo beautiful! :-) a very powerful beauty gene runs in this family, no doubt about that! With or without fringe... :-)
Fringe fringe fringe!!! ;)
I have no vote, but I'm pretty sure she looks great with or without a fringe. All your girls look great. =)
Modern technology ey? Smaller, faster, better, cheaper...
MY SISTERS AND BROTHERS ARE THE MOST GORGEOUS PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET!!!!! Looks at H & mediumM, aaaaaaw, so beautiful!!!!