Saturday October 2 2010 - Anal magnetism? vad är det???

Made the MRI early this morning. First I had to sign a bunch of papers that said that I voluntarily was doing this, and that I would have no claims whatsoever on the med center if there were later complications. That made me have a second thought. But only for a second, I mean I was out of bed anyway…

They put me into something that looked and also sounded like a gigantic microwave oven. But as I was not cooked after 15 minutes in this thing, I think it was only a magnetic scanning. I looked like an electrified cat afterwards. Hair standing straight up, without any gel or other chemicals.

I also noticed some other small side effects as the pic shows. Hope it will pass soon…

Yesterdays evening at T&G was great as always, and tonight’s visit to Pomo D’oro won’t be worse. Especially when you consider their very big selection of quality wine…


Postat av: Tuttan

Ok, mr Magnetic - but what did they SAY??? The doctors, I mean, about the magnetic pics they (hopefully) made.

Besides , I think MRI not only sounds like a normal microwave, but like a microwave that's about to EXPLODE! Not?

2010-10-02 @ 22:30:57
Postat av: Limi

So far they only made pictures, got them on a CD. Will bring them to my doctor tomorrow, and we'll se what he will say...

2010-10-03 @ 11:44:38
Postat av: DD

Anal Magnetism? LoL

Strange side effect. Can a human body become magnetic like that? Scary.

2010-10-04 @ 11:04:11
Postat av: Limi

stulet från Nöjesmassakern... På den tiden diskuterades amalgamets vara eller icke vara. Fanns visst nåt som hetta oral galvanism.

Detta tog Sven Melander & co till sig. Blev en sketch där en bilmekaniker vid en intervju sa; "Anal, magnestism?? Nää, det har jag aldrig hört talas om..."

O när han vände sig om o gick, hängde alla hans metalliska verktyg o dinglade från ändan. Mycket roligt tyckte jag då. Som nu... :-)

2010-10-04 @ 13:17:54

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