Wednesday August 10 2011 - Don't blame me for the leaking roof...
For the last couple of months our neighbour downunder has repatedly complained about the water drip-dropping from her ceiling into her bed.
Her bed is under our kitchen... I have several times checked for leaking pipes, but not found anything suspicios. I've told her that the roof must be leaking, and that water comes in a mysterious way via a wall or smth...
By accident I found out the other day that when we use the water dispenser in our fridge, there is a leakage. This water is sprayed on the wall and then runs into a crack between the wall and floor, and from there into the old ladys bed.
I havent told the lady about my findings. I guess I will not ever do. We however stopped using the water dispenser and the ice machine...
Yesterday we ordered a new fridge. The General Electric built in Mexico, will be replaced by a Korean LG. I trust the Koreans more than the Mexicans when it comes to producing quality products.
The summer in Hungary has been pretty rainy and cold. Luckily we have been away in sunny locations during the worst weeks. Now it's ok weather, but not close to the 35-37 degrees we frequently have in July/August in normal summers.
On Friday H&M will fly in for a week. We'll spend the weekend in Budapest, then off to Munich, where Linda and serious shopping is waiting. Then some days in Austria, climbing some mountains if the weather allow us.
Next Friday we have to be back in BP again, so they don't miss the plane and the school, which start in Sweden the week after.
I have signed up for "Budapest Half Marathon" on September 4th. Will be a challange. Especially as I have not been able to do any training for the last weeks, as I couldn't find my pulse clock. No training without proper recording and analyzing. That's my firm rule. Luckily (unluckily??) M found it today, so starting from tomorrow there is some serious catching up to do...
This incontinent beauty will have to go....

Her bed is under our kitchen... I have several times checked for leaking pipes, but not found anything suspicios. I've told her that the roof must be leaking, and that water comes in a mysterious way via a wall or smth...
By accident I found out the other day that when we use the water dispenser in our fridge, there is a leakage. This water is sprayed on the wall and then runs into a crack between the wall and floor, and from there into the old ladys bed.
I havent told the lady about my findings. I guess I will not ever do. We however stopped using the water dispenser and the ice machine...
Yesterday we ordered a new fridge. The General Electric built in Mexico, will be replaced by a Korean LG. I trust the Koreans more than the Mexicans when it comes to producing quality products.
The summer in Hungary has been pretty rainy and cold. Luckily we have been away in sunny locations during the worst weeks. Now it's ok weather, but not close to the 35-37 degrees we frequently have in July/August in normal summers.
On Friday H&M will fly in for a week. We'll spend the weekend in Budapest, then off to Munich, where Linda and serious shopping is waiting. Then some days in Austria, climbing some mountains if the weather allow us.
Next Friday we have to be back in BP again, so they don't miss the plane and the school, which start in Sweden the week after.
I have signed up for "Budapest Half Marathon" on September 4th. Will be a challange. Especially as I have not been able to do any training for the last weeks, as I couldn't find my pulse clock. No training without proper recording and analyzing. That's my firm rule. Luckily (unluckily??) M found it today, so starting from tomorrow there is some serious catching up to do...
This incontinent beauty will have to go....

Postat av: Tuttan
Da är det är väl bäst att jag fixar lite fint väder:-)
Hrm, bara 4 veckors träning?! Mitt motto för sana där events är "mit Stil ins Ziel" .......
Postat av: The plumber
Now the lady is aware of the leak....................
Postat av: MW
I like this part: I trust the Koreans more than the Mexicans when it comes to producing quality products. :)))
ps Warm greetings from Holland! We hope to meet Kajsa and co here next week!