New Years Eve 2011 - Lets turn page (as the Swedish king would have said)
We're back from our tour on snow. Ischgl was sunny and nice. You can check some of the pictures at Facebook.
Tonight we'll go to Trattoria Toscana, the three of us, then home to check the fireworks from the top of the roof.
With other words; it won't be a very wild celebration... :-)
From tomorrow there will be the next 365 new days to fill with meaningful content. Will be an exciting challange :-)
I will keep you posted...
M&m on snow;
Friday December 23 2011, tomorrow will be a great day
Friday! Time for good old T&G Italiano. Last visit for this year, as we will leave for Ischgl tomorrow morning.
Can you think of a better way to spend a christmas eve? :-)
We will stay at "Lindas" Solaria. There is loads of powder on Idalp and the weather forecast has promised cold and sunny winterweather. :-))
I will think of all poor suckers who still has to celebrate x-mas... :-))))))))
As you know we already have this nice celebration behind us, and once is enough :-)
One of many x-mas markets in Budapest

Can you think of a better way to spend a christmas eve? :-)
We will stay at "Lindas" Solaria. There is loads of powder on Idalp and the weather forecast has promised cold and sunny winterweather. :-))
I will think of all poor suckers who still has to celebrate x-mas... :-))))))))
As you know we already have this nice celebration behind us, and once is enough :-)
One of many x-mas markets in Budapest

Sunday December 18 2011 - X-mas is over :-)
Today we had nice garlicy lamb staek :-) Our "Köttbulle" X-mas we celebrated yesterday. With kids plus belonings we counted 13 heads. More and more year by year :-)
X-mas tree is long gone, and next christmas will be only in a year or so. Yeahhh :-)
Tomorrow we leave for Budapest. Early morning 24th, we'll be off for skiing :-))
Family :-)

X-mas tree is long gone, and next christmas will be only in a year or so. Yeahhh :-)
Tomorrow we leave for Budapest. Early morning 24th, we'll be off for skiing :-))
Family :-)

Monday December 12 2011 - beautiful V district
Budapest has 24 districts. Every district with its own council and mayor. We live in downtown; district 5. Our mayor is a very smily and energetic guy named Antal Rogan. Every year he gives flowers to all female residence of the district, young or old, doesn't matter (as long as they are old enough to vote...) He's a very popular guy, who has done a lot to improve the district. All streets are under marble now, loads of new sculptures and green areas.
In a country with big state financial deficites, he's done a great job!! :-) Of course most of the marble is financed by Brussels, and in the very end by European tax payers. Thank you all (north) Europeans. Very nice of you. You should come and visit one day to see how nicely your money is spent. Especially after learning how well the hired entrepreneurs were paid.
Now the bureaucrates in Brussels are asking questions how it could be so expensive. Especially in a low cost country as Hungary, and why there were only one bidder of the most of the projects, and why this only bidder was a close friend to dear Mr Rogan... I hope he will manage to finish the new local parking space for tenants in our street before he'll be put into jail.
His fellow (ex) mayor István Verök in neighbouring district 6 is right now in trial for corruption and fraud.
Even if this supposed to be the Eastern part of Europe, it's very much like the "Wild West".
It's a very interesting country to live in I must say.
One of many nice Rogan quotes;
Whichever one of our enthusiastic staff did this committed a serious mistake, but the world will not come to an end.”
Otherwise? We´re off for Sweden this week. Will celebrate early X-mas with all the kids.
This is one of the highlights of the year. We have at least 100 of them. Not kids, but highlights during the year... :-)))
Today we got our yearly flu shots.
Any reader who will have one???
This is our golden boy:-)

In a country with big state financial deficites, he's done a great job!! :-) Of course most of the marble is financed by Brussels, and in the very end by European tax payers. Thank you all (north) Europeans. Very nice of you. You should come and visit one day to see how nicely your money is spent. Especially after learning how well the hired entrepreneurs were paid.
Now the bureaucrates in Brussels are asking questions how it could be so expensive. Especially in a low cost country as Hungary, and why there were only one bidder of the most of the projects, and why this only bidder was a close friend to dear Mr Rogan... I hope he will manage to finish the new local parking space for tenants in our street before he'll be put into jail.
His fellow (ex) mayor István Verök in neighbouring district 6 is right now in trial for corruption and fraud.
Even if this supposed to be the Eastern part of Europe, it's very much like the "Wild West".
It's a very interesting country to live in I must say.
One of many nice Rogan quotes;
Whichever one of our enthusiastic staff did this committed a serious mistake, but the world will not come to an end.”
Otherwise? We´re off for Sweden this week. Will celebrate early X-mas with all the kids.
This is one of the highlights of the year. We have at least 100 of them. Not kids, but highlights during the year... :-)))
Today we got our yearly flu shots.
Any reader who will have one???
This is our golden boy:-)

Sunday December 4th 2011 - Life is good
Don't try to trick me, 'cause now I can read the fine print again. Upgraded my reading glasses from 1,25 to 1,75.
Made M crazy as I finished two books in record time (night reading...)
My new favourite author is Jussi Adler-Olsen. Sounds a bit on the Finnish side, but the guy is absolutely Danish. At least he thinks and writes like a Dane!! :-) If you like crime stories and colorful characters, I can definitely recommend his books. And read them in order!!!
Otherwise life is good as always. m got star of the week with following motivation; "For your beautiful smile and delightful sense of humor. For being an excellent role model of your class mates in all areas of learning". Even I got a tear (very small one) in my eye, when Mr Baines (the headmaster) gave her the award.
Tomorrow evening I will leave for Sweden. Back on Wednesday again. Just a quicky for a customer meeting.
Trying to find a nice hotel in Ischgl for X-mas. No luck so far, but I'll find one. Be sure!!!
Weather is damp and foggy. No snow. - Not that we need any... :-)
Some things they haven't manage to "computerize" yet...

Made M crazy as I finished two books in record time (night reading...)
My new favourite author is Jussi Adler-Olsen. Sounds a bit on the Finnish side, but the guy is absolutely Danish. At least he thinks and writes like a Dane!! :-) If you like crime stories and colorful characters, I can definitely recommend his books. And read them in order!!!
Otherwise life is good as always. m got star of the week with following motivation; "For your beautiful smile and delightful sense of humor. For being an excellent role model of your class mates in all areas of learning". Even I got a tear (very small one) in my eye, when Mr Baines (the headmaster) gave her the award.
Tomorrow evening I will leave for Sweden. Back on Wednesday again. Just a quicky for a customer meeting.
Trying to find a nice hotel in Ischgl for X-mas. No luck so far, but I'll find one. Be sure!!!
Weather is damp and foggy. No snow. - Not that we need any... :-)
Some things they haven't manage to "computerize" yet...