Monday January 3rd 2011 - new year resolution

cause of my swollen knee, I havn't been a very frequent visitor to the gym or the running tracks since October. Only the eating habbits have been kept up. Resulting in an extra four kilos until X-mas, and another two during this eating holiday. Now lazy dayz are over!! Will loose those 6 kilos befoe Ischgl, end of the month!!
I'll keep my readers posted about the progress. 85 kg is the target, or at least less than 86...

Got good news from Hilda today, she will join us to Ischgl. YES :-)))

Heading out for the first joggingtour of the year;


Postat av: Tuttan

Ser proffsigt ut! Bortsett fran passgangen..... :-))))

Heja Hilda!

2011-01-03 @ 22:02:57
Postat av: Linda

Hejja Pappa, ut med dej pa strackan!!!! :)

2011-01-04 @ 10:04:40
Postat av: Limi


man SKA stå i passgång vid starten. Helt vedertaget.

Se följande bildbevis;

2011-01-04 @ 17:05:23
Postat av: Erik

Trevlig blogg Limi.

2011-01-04 @ 17:11:24
Postat av: M

nice hair! :D

2011-01-04 @ 17:36:47
Postat av: Tuttan

Jag tror nr 363 vann :-)

2011-01-06 @ 22:15:11
Postat av: Ivana

Ha ha, i love the hat! What is it? Good luck!

2011-01-07 @ 20:42:41
URL: http://***

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