Sunday May 29 2011 - Finnish vodka vs Hungarian wine
Another week has passed. Only four more of them until m will have her first summer holiday. Most of summer is roughly planned. First Sweden, then Italy and France, maybe some mountain trekking in Austria?? Maybe Munich, maybe Holland? Definitely Estonia. Will be a busy summer as always.
Today I was jogging 13,5 km in pleasant "talking" pace. Problem was that I had no one to talk to... My jogging partner for the day cancelled. How can a guy who lived more than two years in Finland get a headache from some nice red wine?? What's wrong with people nowdays? Anyway we had a nice evening at Trattoria Pomo d'Oro yesterday :-)
Wednesday May 25 2011 - excuses, excuses, excuses...

Sunday May 15 2011 - Leaving Rome
We have as usually managed to avoid all tourist attractions, even if we by mistake saw the Spanish Stairs from the distance. Main interest is as you know food and wine. In this perspective we have been very lucky, as always.
We have consumed fishes, lambs, cows, wine and ice creams en masse.
A funny?? thing is that sellers on the street, who normally have a good eye where people are coming from, kept telling/asking me " ja bolshoi brat president Putina", "kak pagoda v Moskve?", "to moi russki ljubov", etc. I don't know if to get flattered or insulted?? At least it seems that I'm not THAT obvious Swede as I thought...

Thursday May 12 2011 - Rooooome
Anyway, after 1,5 hour in a noisy Crash (Dash??) 400, we landed at Leonardo da Vinci. After the SAS Dash crashes, those planes are now renamed "Bombardier 400" New name, same shit, eller hur Kajsa???
Arrived late, but we still managed to get a great pasta, a good steak and a beautiful bottle of wine. Then ice cream...
Il grande

Al dente

Wednesday May 11 2011 - a girl hit (on) me this week :-)
if you check my latest entry in this forum, it seems that I have been pretty busy lately...
Actually I HAVE been busy, at least this week. Been on the road every single day. You can tell that on the insects and dents on my car. Dents! Yes, a female automobile driver changed lane the other day without looking in the mirror, and BANG, -the whole side of the car looks like corrugated tin roof. At least she stopped. On my question if we should call the police she said; NO NO NO - CASH!!! Either she didn't have a drivers licence, or her car was uninsured, So we exchanged telephone numbers as I was in a hurry for a meeting, and she just wanted out of there.
Today her father, who's dealing with crashed cars, called me, and said he'll fix it next week. Good, as my insurance company soon will ask themselves why all my reported insurance claims have their origin in Budapest. No, I don't have a Hungarian insurance company.
Weather is nice and summerish, but I think that is the case in most of Europe at the time.
Tomorrow we'll be off to Rome for a loong week-end. Little m stays in Budapest, she has school... And she will be in good hands with Kriszti. I'm sure they will have loads of fun, and won't miss us at all.