Sunday September 4, 2011 - Over and done
Over and done!! Made the half marathon in 2,24. Maybe not very fast, but if you consider the fat sun and the 31 degrees, I'm pretty happy with myself. There were about 7000 runners, and a lot of cheering people along the track. Among them M&m with a home-made swedish flag. Almost a party feeling. I think I have to sign up for next year as well :-)
Now I'm sitting in the shadow at our roof, sipping water and just enjoy the beautiful day. Later the water will be swapped to wine, and the grill will be fired up. It's a wonderful day, and I feel sooooo good :-))
The Liberty Bridge, km 9

21,1 km, tired but happy :-))

Now I'm sitting in the shadow at our roof, sipping water and just enjoy the beautiful day. Later the water will be swapped to wine, and the grill will be fired up. It's a wonderful day, and I feel sooooo good :-))
The Liberty Bridge, km 9

21,1 km, tired but happy :-))

Postat av: M
Totally-utterly-butterly proud, from head to toe. :)
Postat av: Marina
Helt fantastiskt bra. Jag beundrar dig för att du tog dig igenom och dessutom en sån varm dag. Grattis igen!
Postat av: Linda
HEJJA PAPPA!!!!! Saaaaaaaa stolt over dej!!!! :) :) :)
Postat av: MW
Applause!!! We are truly proud of you! :)
Postat av: Erik
Well done Limi!
Postat av: Tuttan
En av de bästa känslorna som finns, yes, att sitta ner o njuta o vara riktigt nöjd med sig själv efer sportliga stordad. Det kan bara dom, som gör det :-)Heja Uffe!