Friday Januari 13 2012 - reflections...

In the past years, I have mentioned many positive things about living in Hungary. Now I can add another one; Amusing!!! Amusing to follow the political charade. The so called politicians in this country are all a big joke. That is if you are not a Hungarian citizen depending on stability and honesty. An expat like me, with income in Euro, and the possibility to leave whenever I want, I would say it's just amusing!

As most of the world is aware of by now, the Government with >75% of the seats in the parliament can change the constitution in any way it suits them. Most of the new "laws" are totally agains fundamental EU values and regulations.
Our Dear Mr Orban are holding long speeches in national media (the one he has not yet forbidden) that Hungarians are proud people with their own brains, and refuse to get ruled by Brussels.
Hungary actually has a lot to teach the rest of Europe how a country should be led.
Big words from a guy who desperately needs 20 billions not to bankrupcy this proud nation.
Which IMF/EMF of course denies, as long EU regulations are wildly abused.

Hear it from the Hungarian side and you get the impression that the main differences between Budapest and the European Union/ International Monetary Fund are the result of an unfortunate misunderstanding. A bit of talking, a policy tweak here and there – and all will be well.


Otherwise? Weather is springlike with a warming sun, 10 degrees one day and hail the next. But definately spring is on its way.
T&G tonight, so the world is still in order after all :-)


Postat av: Linda

welcome back! FINALLY!!! :)

2012-01-14 @ 18:54:18
Postat av: Tuttan

Are you sure there is not some secret service reading your blogg and you get arrested as a traitor??????

2012-01-14 @ 22:30:34
Postat av: Marina

The weather in Sweden is sunny and cold. Finally some snow here.

The political climate is stone cold. Juholt has been dethroned and there is no new leader to take his place. Maybe the problem was that Juholt wanted to be Hungarian? ;D

2012-01-24 @ 13:21:53

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