Monday January 31st - Top of the mountain

Friday January 28th 2011 - The summon
Anyway the hard core wintersporters are here; Linda, Hilda and Maja. So it will be 6 of us. Picked up our rental van today. It's HUGE, and looks very posh.
Right now the girls have set up a nailstudio in the kitchen. They will shine at T&G tonight.

Friday January 21st 2011 - TGI Friday
Days and weeks are passing in such a high speed, that I have forgotten to blog as frequently as I would wish…
We are back to a nice school/work/work-out routine after the looong winter break. Linda flew in on Wednesday for a short stop on her way to Zagreb. She took the car from here, to pimp it up a bit with dark foil on the windows. Will look like a mafia vehicle when she’ll be back on Sunday. Monday she will head direction Sweden again, and be back on next Friday with a bunch of sisters and a brother.
It is the Sandberg family who’s keeping European airway companies busy…
Next Saturday is D-day for our yearly assault on Austria. To divert their attention we’ll attack from east, and not from north as we use to. We’ll take them totally off guard :-)
I have also managed to loose some more kilos, and I’m close to the promised target weight. Takes some efforts though. Have been jogging back and forth through the city for almost 90km since New Year. Tell me I’m good… (as a true Aquarius, I need to receive much praise… ) :-)
Today I picked up my new contacts, which I ordered a long time ago. Got some training at the optician’s, and now I’m on my own with those tricky almost invisible little bowls.
They are progressive, as only reading is my problem. They are so-so. Reading glasses are better for reading, but for computer and daily use they seem ok.
Little m got “the Star of the Week” award for being the best student in Hungarian this week.
And, YES, the Budapest marathon is to recommend…
Sunday January 16 2011 - lost in space
Sport makes tired... :-)

Sunday January 9 2010 - minus 3 and counting
Makes you sweaty. Then it's good to have a shower, and if showering is too boring, you can always try to make it a bit more fun, Marleen is always in for good time...

Monday January 3rd 2011 - new year resolution
I'll keep my readers posted about the progress. 85 kg is the target, or at least less than 86...
Got good news from Hilda today, she will join us to Ischgl. YES :-)))
Heading out for the first joggingtour of the year;