Monday September 27th 2010 - Hétfö
Another busy weekend. We had some nice but hectic days with friends from Sweden. Short but very nice and effective I must say. Hiking in the Buda hills, nice food, sightseeing by car in the Sunday rain. Now we will plan a return visit to Borås. Or not…?? Company would be great. But Borås… well, well, let’s see about that :-)
Saw 14 000 marathon runners (or at least some of them). Looked like real self-tormentors limping in the heavy rain. I’m normally a great fan of running/jogging. But under those conditions I would pass…
The weather has become real autumnish. Read on my breakfast egg today that 2 years ago we had still summer and 35 degrees. The good thing with today’s weather is that it has inspired me to look for accommodation in Ischgl for x-mas and New Year. Seems that we will spend both those feasts there this year, as we will have some crazy Norwegians there for Sylvester. Will be fun :-)
Fredag 24/9 2010 - sunny side of life
Ok, Hungary has it’s flaws, can’t be denied. But it also has its sunny sides, especially when you have a private health insurance…
Went to the clinic to check on my swollen knee today. Had an appointment at 18.00.
18.00 sharp, my name was called out by a nurse. The doc was ready to see me. 18,38 I left the clinic. During those 38 minutes they managed to;
· examine my knee properly, by a specialist of course
· make 5 X-ray shots
· evaluate the shots
· get me an appointment next week at a sports hospital (as if I am an athlete, - haha)
· give me a prescription of some miracle drug, that the doc warned me to even try to bring over any border…
· get me a new appointment after the whatever they will do on that sports hospital
· wish me a good week end
Pretty amazing I think.
Now you say; of course they have to perform, it’s after all a private clinic.
For this service, around the clock I pay only 500 EUR per year. As I don’t pay any other social contributions, I must say this is a bargain.
And as a bonus; I went with public transport, and as always I never have to wait more than 3 minutes for the next Metro. Even if a single ticket now cost 1 EUR. Not a bargain….
Now to elections; they don’t screw things up like in Sweden. 75% for the right wing. They don’t have to flirt with anyone to run their own politic. Including changing the constitution...
Is this a dream country or not??
Tuesday 21 September 2010 - polarization
Nice that the right wingers won the Swedish election. Not so nice that the extreme right also got a seat in the parliament. When you read the interview with their representatives, they seem to have a very limited political agenda. More or less all of them claim that they will support whomever in any political voting, as long as they get some payback in form of a harsher immigrant politics.
Seems that they have forgotten that hundred thousands of immigrants (at the time called work force) side by side with Swedes built up much of Sweden´s welfare in the sixties and seventies.
And what about Zlatan? The same guys, who want to throw out all immigrants, still want Zlatan to play in their Swedish national team I guess…
I think many countries all over Europe have a problem with extremists. Some decades ago they were communists, now they are fascists. Also in Hungary we have them. Jobbik. They even show up in parliament in full uniform sometimes. Looks a little scary, even if it is hard not to laugh when you see them. Looks like kids on a masquerade…
We had another extremist as a guest for some days. Linda. In her extreme killer stiletto shoes. Drove her to Vienna today, from where she took a flight back home to Marbella. Was nice to have you here Linda :-)
Have got some problem with my knee, feels like a swollen football, can hardly even walk. Will see a knee specialist at First Med on Friday. Hopefully he will give me a shot full of chemicals. The stuff use to be green I remember…
I have to be fit for the weekend, when new guests will show up :-)
Linda and her father...
Saturday September 18th 2010 - MMX -BUD
Now we (me and Linda) are back in Budapest after almost a week in Båstad. Managed to work a lot, meet Kajsa, Victor Hilda and Maja, and last but not least; to buy new gadgets for training; new super shoes, new pulse meter, racing socks and other useful things. Now I have to download some new software, so I can analyze all new data I will be able to collect. Sport activities without proper measuring analyzing and then bragging about it would be spoiled time. I don’t know if it is typical Aquarius behavior, or if it’s just me… :-)
Also got a new nice shiny Nokia phone for myself. But somehow yesterday evening (while dining and wining with M and Linda at T&G) I gave it away to M. If this was a sign of true love, or it was just under the unpredictable influence of alcohol I don’t know. I prefer to think about it as a love evidence… :-)
Tonight the three of us will meet Toomas and a certain “Diana”. It will be interesting to find out who this mysterious woman is. M will for sure hold a third degree interrogation…
In my absence little m managed to get the reward “Star of the week” at school. In the schools weekly morning assembly she was called up to the stage by the headmaster to get the diploma. 200 pupils in the audience applauding. This was a very proud moment for her. Won’t be forgotten very quickly, and a good motivation to keep the good work up.
Reason for the reward was:
· You listen
· You pay attention
· You put your hand up and can answer all questions
· You are kind and gentle
Makes also her dad very proud...
Number 4 and 5 caught on their way to their daily sports activity: dance and gymnastics...
Sunday 12th of September 2010 - Viva la Scuderia
Now all the ”to do” boxes are checked on my to do weekend list;
· Tom&George
· Movie
· Trattoria Pomod’oro
· Pancakes
· Formula one
We watched Lukas Moodyssons “Mamut” a pretty good movie, showing the life of two families. A good example how you can screw up a potential good life. After this movie we appreciate our life here in Budapest even more. Lucky us :-)
Even if M now thinks I will run off with a cookie. See the movie, and you’ll know what I mean.
Only minus with the film was that half of it was in Thai, with Hungarian subtitles…
Finally Alonso and Ferrari are back where they belong; AT THE TOP!! :-)
Tonight I will order some home delivery; Sushi…
Tomorrow morning I leave home already at 04,30. Will drive to Zagreb to pick up Linda, then we drive back to Budapest to catch a flight to Malmö around lunch.
Meaning that next week will be spent in Båstad. Promised to help out a little at work, as they have been, and still are, one man short at the moment.
Back home again next Friday
Oh, bye the way; my (I say my, 'cause big M still isn't THAT conviced that we really need it...) wine storage/cooler finally arrived on Friday, my little darlings already moved in, and they seem to do good in there, I know, because I check them every morning… :-)
Tuesday September 7th 2010 - whats's the dish?? - Fish!!!
Back from Split, and two perfect days at the Adriatic Sea. Thanx a lot L&C :-)
This is how I imagine a boat vacation at its best; comfortable and spacious boat, nice breakfasts, a stop in a beautiful bay with super clear deep blue water, a quick swim, then time to head for a small village for lunch, where you can get grilled fish and wine. A looooong lunch in the sun.
Then time for a new bay, some snorkeling and sun taking. Then again time to find a new harbor with new restaurants and new wine. And next day you start the process from beginning again.
Skipper C handled the cruiser like it was a small car when parking in those narrow harbors. Like he did it for a living. Maybe next career?
Seems that I left the nice weather in Croatia, because here it’s rainy and cold. The last two years weather in this region has not been as it’s supposed to be. I have had ten years of perfect weather, and recently two crappy ones. I’m spoiled. And I deserve it. So please bring the normality back!!! Normally I don’t ask for things, I just do them. But in this case it seems that I have to trust a higher power…
The skipper and his crew on the fly-bridge :-)
Saturday 4th of September 2010 - fit for Split
Yesterday Trattoria Pomod’oro. Tonight T&G. Tomorrow Split, Croatia. Last year we needed 5hr 20 min for the drive so I will leave home 03.30, as I have a rendezvous with Linda, Chris and the beauty shown below at 09.00. This year I go alone, as little m can’t skip school…
I was almost on my way to Decathlon, to buy some useful gadget, like for instance a harpoon with laser aim device or an underwater-scooter. Unfortunately big M talked me out of it, so I will just dig out my old swimming fins and snorkel out of the storage.
Will only stay for a day or two, then they will drop me off on some island, and I take a ferry back to Split. On the way back to BP, I will visit a new presumptive supplier outside Zadar. So there is a tiny bit of work involved as well. Not ONLY pleasure.
By the way; as I have written earlier, little m did not say one word in Kindergarden for two years, even if she's absolutely fluent in hungarian, and babbling like hell with her best friend. "selective mutism", was the doctors diagnosis. Yesterday Miss Pamela gave us the great news that she is talking english at the lessons without hesitation. YES :-)))
Wednesday September 1st 2010 - PE tomorrow
Tomorrow there is PE on the program. We got a long list of items needed from Miss Pamela.
Went out to shop all the stuff while little was in school, then we had a big try out. The track suit trousers were to short , (she must have grown…) so they needed to be swapped for a size bigger. But now everything fits. And even matches…
Next Tuesday they have swimming on schedule. I’m sure there will be a new list… :-)
Loads of driving nowdays as well. Normally we use the car very seldom in the city, but now we spend two hrs a day forth and back, forth and back. Will make 400 hrs in a year...