Tuesday November 30th 2010 - below the radar
At Pomodoro last Saturday, we sat next to a big bunch of Norwegians. There are plenty of them here in Budapest, studying medicine. If you see a "pizza" on the ground after a weekend, you know that at least one of them was out partying the day before. So far I never saw a Hungarian throwing up...
Anyway, those at the neighboring table were some exceptions. They asked for alcohol free wine. The waiter asked them several time what they meant with that? Wine without alcohol?? Never heard of. He even asked some other waiters, but they also looked at the crowd with big eyes, all shaking their heads, with amazed face expressions...
This is after all Hungary!
There were at least nine girls at the table. All looking the same; slim, blond hair, blue eyed, pretty faces. Perfect Aryans, if you would have asked Dr Joseph Goebbels.
To me they looked all from the same mould. As Japanese’s or Chinese’s. You can't make a difference between those people. I actually caught myself staring at them...
Today I will sneak below the radar for some days. No computers or cell phones allowed at the hospital. Wish me luck... :-)
Saturday Nov 27 2010 - less mess
Yesterday I had a discussion with someone who told me that luxury is to be able to afford a maid who keeps your home tidy and shining.
I do not really agree. Luxury for me is to be able to have time to clean and scrub it myself.
Is less more, or is more less? That's the question. Was it Shakespeare who said those wise words as he stood with a cleaning cloth in his hand?
Less work is not necessary less money but definitely more time.
How much/little of money/time makes you happiest? :-) BALANCE is the key word.
Anyway, it feels really nice to have come that far in life that you do not have to prove your own excellence toward others with career, long hours, and a cleaning lady...
Btw, we just hired a cleaning lady in Båstad. A bit contradictive to what I just wrote. But that's another story :-))
T & G yesterday, and Pomodoro today. That's what I call quality time :-)
Wednesday November 24 2010 - uups, op!
Maybe the answer is my private insurance? In this case the hospital do not have to save money, they collect. More days=more money??? Guess that's the answer.
Anyway, I told him I have to be out by Friday. Can't miss T&G. Right??
Seems that some readers of this blog can't tell the difference between a hairy knee and a skull, so here an example of a the brain operation I will have next week... :-)

Monday November 22 2010 - old war wound
This is my new combat cut;

Sunday November 21 2010 - Not a very slow Sunday...
Last time we were in such a party, the children had access to a drum set. The drum set is to prefer ...
Now we are back home again in silent and homy atmosphere. Next Sunday it's time for new parties, and the week after again. Sigh. I thought I escaped that kind of events after fleeing from Sweden for twelve years ago.
In sheer despair, I shaved off my hair after we got home. Now I look like an American recruit ... Well, it might grow back ...
Yesterday we walked past the Christmas Market on Vörösmarty tér when we were going to Pomodoro. Little m bought a gingerbread angel. It had no feet. Just a long dress. Then came the question of why angels do not have any feet. I suggested that it could be because they they have wings and therefor did not need feet. Alternatively, we could question m's grandmother, because she is an angel. Little m thought for a moment, and said it was probably a better idea to Google it ... This is how they are, today's children... :-)
X-mas market in Budapest is more about food than anything else...

Saturday November 20 2010 - LED in the night
The city has now cancelled the contract with French Alstrom, who were supposed to supply the trains. The brakes do not meet the Hungarian standards they say. Alstrom delivers the same trains for a lot of cities worldwide. Have never had anyone who complained about the brakes before. Now they will procure new trains. Delivery time is estimated to 5 years. Sometimes I really wonder how Hungarian ticks... What will they do with the tunnels until then??
I stopped jogging because of my broken knee on 20 September. Today, exact two months later, I started slowly again. Went out a little loose with 5km. Feels super good. Have really missed running ...
Today we will go to Pomodoro with litte m. No babysitter. Nice to have her with us once in a while... :-))
This is how an electrified umbrella looks. Full of small LED lights on both inside and outside, that changes color all the time. Lightens up a gray autumn evening. A petty it doesn't rain that often...

TG it's Friday November 19th 2010
Our new car has been parked on the street for 6 days now, and already the lock in the drivers door is missing. Car unlocked, but nothing missing. Guess the alarm scared those bastads off.
After one car theft, and one attemt of burglary, I have now booked an appointment to build in the latest of anti-theft systems for cars. Will be an extra system that notifyes me with a sms if the alarm goes off. As well as if the car will move away, as it has a hidden GPS tracker. The advantage with this is that I always can track the car and see exactly where it is, I can also turn off the petrol pump with an sms. Meaning that the car will stop...
The disadvantage is that M also can track the car via the same system... hmmm.... :-)
Today it's Friday and we will dine at T&G. In other words; TG it's Friday!!! :-)
After two weeks of nice and sunny weather with 20 degrees day time, it's now only 10, and a little rainy. Good thing with that is that we can try out our newest gadget, an electrifyed umbrella. Will make a photo and you can admire it tomorrow.

Sunday November 14 2010 - cheers
Today has been a VERY busy day. Had to catch up the work I couldn't do last week at the fair. I also had to fit in pancakes & DH, as well as the final F1 race for the season. A very exciting one. Only bad thing is that Vettel became world champion, and not Alonso. But he will have his chance next year again.
Tomorrow I will fly to Sweden again for some meetings. Back on Wednesday afternoon again.

Saturday Nov 13 2010 - Back to base
Had a nice road trip through Germany, Czech Republik and Slovakia today.The car was as good as expected :-))
Soon time for Pommis, so bye for now :-)
Saturday November 6th 2010 - guess the artist...
Today we had our yearly artist day, meaning that everyone had to paint a picture. Was nice... :-)
Who can guess the artist??;

November 4 2010 - my new love....

Tuesday November 2 2010 - leaving for a roadtrip....
Today I cleaned of my desk and I did all boring stuff that has not been as important and therefore been postponed and postponed and postponed...
The reason is that I will leave for Sweden for It's time for me to go on a little tour to Sweden. Fair in Jönköping next week. Looking forward to it all with horror mixed emotions.
In spite of all work, we have even had time to vaccinate the whole family against the flu, and enjoyed a supper at McDonalds.
Now I'll pack my things, and set the alarm clock for 4am. Will bring "Kajsas" car to Swe, and collect my new beauty on Thursday :-))
The surgery team the other day...