Tuesday August 31st 2010 - who'll chicken out...???
Last week we had summer. 32 degrees during day time, and nice long warm evenings.
Today we have 12 degrees and rain. What is the matter with the weather??
Hope it will be better next weekend, when I will go to Split, to visit Linda and Chris on their yacht…
Anyway, as the rain is poring, and winter jackets are needed to go somewhere to eat, we decided to cook at home. If I exclude breakfast and Sunday pancakes, we haven’t cooked a real dinner in our kitchen since March or April. Ok we do the potato wedges what we sometimes eat with what we grill on the terrace. But that’s not real cooking, right?
Little m decided for boiled chicken with rice and Lemon sauce. So now I am cooking chicken with rice and Lemon sauce. And no cooking without a decent wine!!! So I’m having a very decent one! Cheers ZZZ
Talking about wine; have I mentioned a bought a wine storing fridge/cooler on E-bay the other week? Hope it will arrive soon, so I can start building my stock. It has place for 168 bottles… This early winter weather also reminded me about skiing, so today I also paid the deposit for our Ischgl apartment. 29/1 - 5/2 2011. All involved; please make a note regarding those dates, so no one will come later on and say; “didn’t hear about those dates before…”
Monday August 30th 2010 - Day one
First day at school went very well. 13 kids in the class. 8-5 in favor of the girls. Days are long though; 8,30 until 15.30 - 5 days a week. We have also seen that this is not a prolonged Kindergarden. This is school. Even if it is a bit playful. However little m seems to like it, she can’t wait until tomorrow, or even better till Wednesday, when she will go to her old Kinder-garden after school, to say bye to staff and playmates. When Kinder-garden closed for summer, we had no idea that m would start school in the autumn. Never knew that Brits start first grade when the kids are only five… So there was no farewell in June…
Today we went to “da Pippo” for Spaghetti and Pizza, but only me and little m. Big M was to exhausted after not sleeping too well day before school. Little m slept like a horse last night, and was very hungry after the first school day…
Flowers for Miss Pamela
New friends
Sunday August 29th 2010 - size problem
This morning my head felt at least two sizes too small. Our British neighbor threw a party yesterday... Fun guy and pretty weird guests... Weird is good :-)
The last week I have been busy collecting info, to build a family tree. With good help from my half-brother Greger we have now 161 person registrated. Not bad, huh? Everything is accessable in Internet, and everyone can apply for log in details, and from there you can add missing fact about yourself or others. Hopefully this site will live its own life due to that fact. Let's see... Check it out on; www.sandberg-nahkor.myheritage.com
Tomorrow we need to be at school at 08,30. First day for little m. Our little girl will be a 1st Grader... :-)
Check out the school om; www.britannicaschool.hu
Friday August 27th 2010 - the hottest dog ever
Friday. It was always something special with this day. I still have it. The Friday feeling. Once a week :-)
Yesterday we had some friends over for some serious grilling. Was a great evening with loads of food and wine and good company.
Today I had a haircut, and we went to an introduction afternoon at m's new school. Tonight it will be Pomod'oro.
The sommelier there is the best, always have something new for us. Every Friday. Always something nice and heavy.
Wheather? Do I need to say that it's 30 degrees and sunny??
Got some questions regarding the hot dog the other day, here he is; the hottest dog ever :-)
Tuesday August 24th 2010 - Hot Dogs...
On Sunday we ate pancakes for breakfast (in bed as usual of course), then we grilled in the evening. Turkey. Nice and juicy.
Yesterday Iguana. They will hold their annual anniversary (=Street Party) on September 4. The 13th in total. We only missed out on the two first ones…
This morning me and little m were looking in a calendar full of cute dogs. She asked if we couldn’t grill the January one. Looked good she said. Will be perfect as a “Hot Dog” Yummi…
Makes her dad real proud. Has good genes that girl, always into a good chunk of meat :-) I think it also tells something about the ability to think ahead, to see the possibilities, not only what there actually is to see… :-)
Hilda and Maja started school yesterday. 9th and 7th grade. Big grls :-)
makin' pancakes...
Future Hot Dog??
Saturday August 21st 2010 - next stop Ukraine?
Now we are back to three persons again. Had Estonian guests for two days. Was nice. Just finished the cleaning job, so now “Hotel VP” is available for new guests. Is vacant until end of September, then we are waiting next load :-) Not a bus-load, just a load.
Yesterday was holiday in this country. National day, with not as many zillion people on the streets as usual. This due to the facts Hungary is turning more and more European, in this case equaling with BORING and cautious. Normally we have the big “Red Bull Air Race” with the race in the middle of the city over Danube, and under the bridges. One million screaming spectators on the river banks. This year it was stopped due to security issues. What IF a plane crashes into the spectators…??? According to me it would result in a handful casualties, and a LOT of publicity. Publicity is good :-) To have fun you have to take some calculated risks. Those people will die anyway, sooner or later. Boring, boring and double boring.
Due to the lower number of celebration people on the streets, there were not even some riots. No burning cars, no nothing. What is this country turning into?
We want our air show and riots back next year, otherwise we might consider to move on to Ukraine, or some other place where they are not that in to regulations, and more into action.
Tonight we dine at good old Trattoria Pomodoro. Woun’t be boring at least…
A good laugh is never wrong (or boring)… :-)
Tuesday August 17th 2010 - New family members...
Yesterday we went for a trip to Southern Hungary, recreation in combination with some effort to enlarge the family. Stayed in Harkány, a small village in middle of nowhere. Nice little hotel. Little m enjoyed the pool. She looks like a raisin now. Maybe I put her in the oven for some hours to straighten out all the wrinkles. If it works well I will put big M there as well in a couple of years, and if this also turn out good I might jump in myself one day … :-)
This morning we headed for Villány, one of the better wine regions in this country. Even if the competition is pretty big.
The “Wunderlich” cellar, which was the aim of the visit, was closed, due to "technical reasons". If there is a sign on the door with this context, you can be pretty sure that tax authorities is around. That’s for sure.
Seen it before... :-)
So we went to the competition “Gere”, and found 12 babies. So now we have one dozen full of new family members. Expensive as hell, but family is family :-)
Just broke the news to M that now we need a babyroom (read; climatized storage). Will dig another hole in the savings. But again; what don't you do for the family...
Today we went to "da Pippo", the italian "at the corner"
Our new babies;
Friday August 13th 2010 - Lucky 13
Little m tried out her new school outfit, and tonight we will check out the steak at T&G. Last week's (referring to the steak) was a disaster, but we'll give them a second chance...
Big M claims that it is not correct to write "last week's" in the sentece above. But I am stubborn, and refuse to change. Can anyone tell me who's right???
Now the little grl is ready for all kind of weather...

Thursday August 12th 2010 - Meteors and Wienerschnitzels
Tuesday we went to Vienna for a small shopping tour. They have a huge Outlet in Parndorf, where we spent most of the day. In the evening went out to stroll in the city. Budapest and Vienna are more or less twin cities. Many of the big impressive buildings have the same architecture, and were build simultaneously under the Habsburg's, at the time when Hungary and Austria was one big empire.
Then we had a nice dinner. Little m prompt wanted "Wiener Schnitzel" Not a kiddoe one but a real one for grownups, XXL. I had to help out a little. Then we slept well in our very nice hotel. Next day we made "SCS" - Shopping Center Süd. A huuuuuge place. Took more or less the whole day. But we made it back to Budapest in time for a Mexican dinner at Iguana. Strawberry Margaritas included. Then we checked for falling stars from our roof. But nothing came down. After checking on internet I saw that we were one day early. It is tonight that earth will pass through a massive belt of remains of a once crashed meteor. But first we will try our luck at Trattoria Toscana, this warm and beautiful summer evening.

Putte Kock
Med anledning av mitt förra inslag, roade jag mig med att söka lite på just Putte Kock. Jag kommer ihåg honom från Svereiges televisions sportstudio där han tippade stryktips varje vecka. Hans avslutade varje tips med att gardera med "kryss"

Men han gjorde tydligen fotbollsreferat oxo. Det här stod att läsa;
Om den legendariske fotbollsspelaren, förbundskaptenen, sportkommentatorn, tipsexperten och bridgevirtuosen Rudolf ”Putte” Kock finns en rad ankedoter. En, som dessutom är sann, lyder som följer.
”Putte" var kommentator i en TV-sänd match i Europacupen på 1960-talet, där en av kontrahenterna var det portugisiska laget Benfica. I laget ingick en mörkhyad afrikansk spelare vars namn Kock inte riktigt kunde uttala. Han valde därför att kalla spelaren rätt och slätt ”negern.” Eftersom denne deltog mycket aktivt i spelet blev det åtskilliga gånger Kock fick säga ”negern”. Till slut tröttnade kontrollrummet i Stockholm på detta och uppmanade ”Putte” Kock att sluta säga ”negern” och i stället kalla spelaren i fråga vid namn. Kock, som var en aning lomhörd och dessutom stördes av publikljudet, hade emellertid svårt att uppfatta vad man sade från kontrollrummet och frågade flera gånger vad man menade.
Den uppringande mannen från kontrollrummet röt därför i med hög röst: ”Säg inte NEGERN. Han heter Eusebio, och påpekade för Putte Kock att inte använda uttrycket neger, utan säga Eusebios namn. ”Då får ni bokstavera, så det blir rätt”, kontrade Putte Kock surt.
Det var tyst ett tag i rutan. Sedan hördes Putte Kock kallt konstatera; ”Man säger från Stockholm att negern heter Erik, Urban Sixten Erik Bertil Ivar Olof, men det tror jag inte ett ord på”.
Saturday August 7th 2010 - busted....
Sometimes you get punished directly when you do or say something stupid. It happened to me yesterday. My steak was very well done, and dry as a sand storm in Sahara. I guess the chef at T&G read my blog yesterday. Always thought that there are no Italians able to understand English…
I hereby declare that my “pro greenhouse effect” campaign buried, even before have started properly. I just have to accept that there are other places with better weather than Budapest at the moment :-(
The good thing was that I never had to pay for the steak. But I rather pay for bloody meat, than have well done for free. That’s for sure.
Tonight we will go to Trattoria Pomodoro, and they will not screw up. So help me god…
Not that I would need any help, or that I believe in god, but anyway. “Bäst att gardera med kryss” as Putte Kock always said. This was a joke that only Swedes of my generation will understand. Maybe not a joke, but still pretty funny. Hahaha
As we have slow days at the moment, there is not much from real life to write about. That’s why my latest entries looks like they were made by a drunk sailor. But they are not, as I never drive nor write when under influence of alcohol or other drugs. I'm not a sailor neither!
Just finished breakfast. Yummy as always. Later today I might go jogging, We’ll see about that.
Every year I make a photo of my famous cow hands, just to see how my spots develop. They are doing better and better year by year I must say :-)))
Friday August 6th 2010 - Heat it up!!!
The downer with living on ”a roof” are the roof windows. On one hand, they give you a wonderful view, but they also get dirty 100 times quicker than normal ones. I have tried out many different techniques during the years. The quickest is to wait for some real thunderstorms. Then I just wipe them with dishwashing liquid and a swam. The rain will do the rest. This summer has been good in this point of view. Plenty of rain…
Seems that the north Europeans have done a better job on effecting their climate. They are breaking heat records on daily basis it seems. I’m thinking of starting a local movement to let people understand that we also have to let more fumes and exhausts out in the air, to keep the balance, and get our normally dry and warm summers back. The only problem there is to solve; how to keep this effect local. Can’t let other parts of the world benefit on our efforts. Right??
As they say in Sweden; sköt dej själv o skit i andra” - freely translated; "mind your own business, and fuck the rest". I think it was the late Swedish prime minister Olof Palme, who came up with those very clever words...
Otherwise? Will be T&G tonight. They have a huge charcole grill, will consume loads of fossil fuel a night like this. Maybe I for a change will have my T-bone well done instead of rare…???
Wednesday August 4th 2010 - insure or insain ??
Today we took the last formal steps to register little m to”Britannica International School, - www.britannicaschool.hu
All paper work is done, tuition fee paid. Not cheap I must say. Hope the girl can absorb everything they will teach her, so she can support her mother and father later on in life…
If she will be as bad as I was in school, there will be no doctor hats, but on the other hand, a doctor’s hat is no guarantee for success, depending on definition. Success according to me is to have opportunity and ability to live a happy and eventful life. Preferable also laidback… :-)
Called to the insurance company today, and asked about the progress in handling my claim for the lost car. What lost car? - were their answer. Somehow they lost all the communication we previous had back and forth, but they at least promised to look into the matter. Should this give me hope?? I hope so… :-)
Maybe my insurance company has an hidden agenda???
Tuesday August 3rd 2010 - back on the roof
Now we are back in hot Budapest again. No bigger trips are planned for the near future, except maybe for a trip to Vienna or so, but that’s only (almost) the neighbour city, so it doesn’t count I think. Meaning we are here all August, waiting for little m’s school to start 31/8. So if someone has plans for Budapest, we have the space and would love to have just YOU as our guest :-)
Work is slowly catching up again. But only slowly, so we will still have some more off duty days on our terrace, I hope. Tonight there will be some serious grilling at least :-)
Before leaving Tallinn yesterday we had an hour for a little city tour/photo excursion. As the streets were full of Finns, I pointed the camera a little higher...
Sunday 2nd of August 2010 - wedding
Now it’s early Monday morning, and my two grls are soundly asleep.
Yesterdays wedding was a hit, from ceremony to food and party. It took place outside in a very beautiful castle park. Brave people those two, to plan an outside event in this otherwise rainy part of Europe. But weather played along. Sunny and warm. First a nice ceremony, then the wedding cake. Seems to be a Dutch tradition to start with the cake. But why not? Then mingling and photo shooting, followed by yummy food from the bufé. Dance and games, including kidnapping of the bride. Everything very well organized and led by a professional crew.
Thanks’ a lot for a perfect and rememberable afternoon/evening. :-))))
Erwin’s family, who we met for the first time this weekend, was a very funny, friendly and nice bunch of people, even if the language barrier caused some problems and much laughter. However I made one huge mistake, I said that Dutch language sounds very similar to German. This is a NO GO, I understood this two seconds after finishing the sentence, and seeing their face expressions. Like spitting in your palm before shaking hands. You just don’t do it. And I will not do it again. I hereby express my apologize to the whole Dutch nation. I always thought that Holland had a very liberal and tolerant population, but there are obviously some fields for improvement. WWII must have hit this country hard… Football and weather are more non-controversial topics. Flowers and cheese are other popular subjects.
It was very educational, will bear it in mind for the next wedding with Dutchmen involved. This will take place next year according to latest information.
Heading wedding
flower girls
After the "I do's"
Waiting for the cake