Sunday Oct 31 2010 - Halloween...
Today is Sunday, and the Pomodoro and Trattis are done in due order.
We hollowed out a pumpkin this afternoon, me and little m. The result was pretty good actually.
Now we have chicken drum sticks in the oven.
Otherwise not much to report today, more than that we have lovely autumn weather, and that little m starts her mid-term vaccation tomorrow. No alarm clock needed not even for me, because it is bank holiday. Maybe I uncork a bottle of wine to celebrate ...
Btw, Emma would have turned 86 today. Cheers... :-)
This is the result of the operation;
Tuesday October 26 2010 - Ljubljana
Went here this morning after leaving m at school. The drive is only 4hrs, and I have had time for 3 visits at suppliers in the area.
Tomorrow there will be 4 more, and day after another couples of them. Then it's time to get back in direction Budapest. Have to make it before the obligatoric Thursday dinner at Trattoria Toscana.
Right??? :-))

Saturday October 23 2010 - autumn
Long time since I blogged or even read blogs. Have been full busy in Sweden. First the wedding last weekend, then loads of work daytime. H&M evenings. Then I had four suppliers to entertain for two days. I came back from a windy and cold Sweden to a sunny and friendly Hungary yesterday evening. Just in time for good old T&G.
Today I and little m were up at six for a secret Bounty, and then we watched the Formula one qualifying from brand new Korean race circuit. This was at seven. Vettel on pole, Webber second and ”my guy” Alonso on third. Will be a exciting race tomorrow – hopefully…
This afternoon is was a beautiful autumn day, 16 degrees, blue sky and absolutely no wind, a perfect day for garden work. Now I halve packed up all my 70 plants nicely. Just have to clean up tomorrow and the terrace is ready for the winter.
You can get a shock for less... :-)
Sunday October 17 2010 - One down, five to go...
It was very nice, and afterwards we celebrated at "Sand" in Båstad, with loads of good food and wine.

Friday October 15th 2010 - leaving town
Weeend will be funny though. Big family event...
This video is only for hard core fans of little "m"
Monday October 11th 2010 - drip drop
A new fresh week just started, even if we don’t feel that fresh. More or less the whole bunch has had drip-dropping noses during the week end. Little m even got a fever, we just noticed. 38 point something. So I guess she will not be able to show off her new fringe in school tomorrow. That’s right. She actually has a fringe since 5 o clock today.
After two years of growing the hair wild, she and her mom voted me down. 2-1 for the fringe… :-( But she still looks very cute :-)
Just like the rest of her sisters (and brother)
I’m missing gym. Hope I will start slowly in a month or so.
Good thing is that I have plenty of time to other things, like buying a new printer. Half size, half price and double as fast as the old one. Can even print wireless now. wow... :-)
Look at those two beauties, this is how they look on their brand new school photos.

Thursday October 7th 2010 - fast days
Days are passing fast, almost Friday again, but just almost.
Hmm, what did I do this week (except enjoying life…) Ok: Tuesday our internet was down. Called emergency service at UPC (our provider) and asked what’s going on, or more precise; what’s NOT going on. Everything is just fine the girl assured me, but it seems that you’re having a problem with your modem. She checked her papers, and found out that we are premium customers. Promised to send some guys out immediately to change it, which they actually did. Then she asked if we wanted to upgrade. We had a 25Mbit connection for 9300HUF a month, and we could get a 120Mbit connection for only 9000HUF. Equal with ca 33 EUR .
Today we got it. Quick as hell, or at least a lightning from hell.
But before today we actually had yesterday. Yesterday I left home at 06.00 for Slovenia. Four company visits and 14 hours later I was back home. Slept like a 2 week old corpse (as usual…)
Tonight we went to Trattis with little m. She was not in a very good mood. Long day at school, and then ballet. A little too much for a 5 year old grl. Good thing is that she normally nowadays goes to bed at 19.15. !9.30 she’s snoring like a pig. Or like her father, if you ask her mother… 06.30 in the morning she will have had her beauty sleep, and will wake up without any pushing from sleepy parents.
Monday October 4th 2010 - maybe not a bargain after all...
Today I went to my doc again, to get the MRI result evaluated. According to this, more or less everything was half broken in my knee. Those results are bullshit, the doc said. “If they were true you would not be able to even crawl…”
Then he suggested with sparkling eyes that he would perform a lobotomy. Or did he say laparoscopy maybe… Anyway, he sounded a little too enthusiastic for me to be confident. So I bravely declined, and suggested that we might wait a little, at least until I finished the pill he subscribed last time. What pills?? It was a powder to dissolve in water, he said.
Had to call home and ask what was written on the box. Wrong medicine it came out. Bad handwriting I thought. Typical doctors scribble. Without precisely telling me what I had been eating for a week, he suggested I should stop, and flush down the rest of the pills in the toilet as soon as possible, and don’t worry too much… Promised to do so, and start with the new powder instead.
He will see me in a month or so again.
Maybe 500 EUR per year is too much after all???
Saturday October 2 2010 - Anal magnetism? vad är det???
Made the MRI early this morning. First I had to sign a bunch of papers that said that I voluntarily was doing this, and that I would have no claims whatsoever on the med center if there were later complications. That made me have a second thought. But only for a second, I mean I was out of bed anyway…
They put me into something that looked and also sounded like a gigantic microwave oven. But as I was not cooked after 15 minutes in this thing, I think it was only a magnetic scanning. I looked like an electrified cat afterwards. Hair standing straight up, without any gel or other chemicals.
I also noticed some other small side effects as the pic shows. Hope it will pass soon…
Yesterdays evening at T&G was great as always, and tonight’s visit to Pomo D’oro won’t be worse. Especially when you consider their very big selection of quality wine…
Friday October 1 2010 - MRI
Another week to put to the past, and soon a new one coming up. The new unfilled ones are always more exciting than the old ones. I mean what happened happened, what will come, you don’t know…:-)
Still not allowed to run, still a swollen knee, and still on strong pills. Tomorrow I will have a “MRI” – Magnetic Resonance Imaging examination. At 07.20 in the morning, and I’m supposed to drink two liters of water before. Wonder how I will manage that…
Thursday I went to the optician bought myself two pair of new reading/computer glasses, including a proper eye examination. Found out that the +1,5 or +2,0 I normally buy at the petrol station have been too strong. Maybe I should have made this examination some years earlier… Also ordered progressive contacts, also for reading. Will get them in two weeks.
Last night I did not sleep well, as I am reading a v e r y thrilling book by Jo Nesbö. He’s Norwegian. Seems that those Laps got something right after all, producing such a good author I mean.
He kept me awake till 05.00 in the morning. Hope I won’t fall asleep at T&G tonight… :-)